
Constants may be of any basic data type. Constants are variables that have fixed values that will not change (ever) during the course of your program. These are useful tools for things like screen resolution variables, etc.

  • Floating point constants must include a decimal point.

    For example: 5 is an integer constant, but 5.0 is a floating point constant.

  • String constants must be surrounded by quotation marks.

    For example: "This is a string constant".

The Const keyword is used to assign an identifier to a constant. For example:

Const one_hundred=100

You can then use the identifier one_hundred anywhere in your program instead of 100.

A more useful example might be:

Const width=640,height=480

You can then use the more readable width and height throughout your program instead of 640 and 480.

Also, if you ever decide to change the width and height values, you only have to do so at one place in the program.

There are two built-in Integer constants - True and False. True is equal to 1, and False is equal to 0.

There is also a built-in floating-point constant for Pi.

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